
Asparagus Fern Care

Asparagus Fern Care

The asparagus is an elegant and fast-growing houseplant with long wiry stems and frond-like sprays. Although it’s called a fern which is a misnomer. Because asparagus fern (asparagus sprengeri) is actually a member of the lily family.

The plant contains arching stems and the maximum growth of the stem can be up to 3 feet long. They produce white or pink flowers. Asparagus fern care requires the appropriate environment and proper maintenance regularly.

Asparagus Fern Care

Caring for asparagus fern starts with the selection of suitable growing locations for better nourishment. Therefore, if you haven’t planted the asparagus fern yet, follow the instructions below when choosing the location.

Choose an appropriate Location

Asparagus are indoor and outdoor plants that can be planted in a pot or directly in the ground. However, all you need to provide an open space for proper growth. A space with 4 feet of height and 3 feet of width is an ideal place for these plants.

Moderate Temperature

Temperature is another important factor for asparagus fern care. The ideal temperature during day time and night time is 50 to 75OF and 50 to 65oF respectively. They can grow in both dry and moist air but they thrive well in moist air.

Indirect Lighting

This plant doesn’t thrive well in darkness and direct lighting. So you should choose a place that has bright but indirect lighting. Try to avoid putting them fully in the sun. Because excessive direct sunlight can cause the needles to scorch and drop off the plants. if the leaves of the plants are getting yellow, it means they require too little sunlight.

Water the Plants Regularly

The plant requires frequent watering. Although it can survive during drought, you should water them whenever the soil is dry. However, you need to provide them less water in winter i.e. once a week. Don’t let the soil completely dry.

If fronds are yellow, it means they are getting too little water. Similarly, if the fronds are brown, it indicates that they are getting too much water.

Prune the Plants

Pruning not only keeps your plant neat and healthy but also allows new growth. You should trim old and dead stems and leaves regularly. Identifying old stems is very easy because they appear dry and dead. Don’t forget to wear gloves when pruning to avoid being scratched by the needles on the fern.

Fertilize Your Asparagus Fern

Fertilizing the plant is another important factor of asparagus fern care. You should purchase an all-purpose and water-soluble fertilizer for these plants. Don’t forget to dilute the strength of the fertilizer up to 50%. Fertilizing the plants on monthly basis is adequate for proper nourishment.

Water-soluble fertilizers usually come in a powder or liquid form. If you are using powder fertilizer, it’s good to mix them with water before using it.

Deal With Pest Problems

Fortunately, asparagus ferns don’t have major problems with pests and diseases. Therefore, you don’t need to spray them frequently. However, for the best asparagus fern care, you can use insecticide soup rather than insecticide. So this soap can easily remove spider mite, mealy bugs, and scale insects.

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