
Elephant Ear Plant Care

Elephant Ear Plant Care

Elephant ear plants get their nickname due to the gigantic size of elephant ear-shaped or heart-shaped leaves. They have many varieties that vary in color and leaves shape. They belong to two different but related groups of plants Alocasia and Colocasia.

Both types are amazing houseplants that can be grown indoors and outdoors perfectly. Its single leaf can grow to be two feet wide and its stem can grow up to 6 or even more feet in height. This article shares some useful elephant ear plant care tips for growing healthy plants. Let’s get started…

Things Need to Know About Elephant Ear Plant Care

If you want to give a stunning look to your garden, you should grow elephant ear plants there. Though these plants are very engrossing, elephant ear plant care is a bit difficult. This article makes it care easy for you!


These plants prefer bright sunlight but not too harsh when growing indoors. If you notice that leaves are looking singed or bleached, move them to a dimmer spot immediately.

Further, when you are intending to grow it outdoors, try to choose a partially shaded area. Because they nourish well under a partially shaded area.

Watering for Elephant Ear Plant Care

Like other houseplants, these plants like moist but not soggy soil. You must be very careful with watering if the pot or soil doesn’t have proper drainage. Only when the soil is dry then you need to water the plants.

Humidity is another important caring factor. If humidity is high, you shouldn’t water the plants frequently. You can use a humidifier for checking humidity.


These plants need all-purpose fertilizer for proper growth. You should choose a liquid fertilizer and feed the plants when watering. Before using the fertilizer, it’s good to dilute the strength of the fertilizer. You can also give the slow-releasing fertilizer to plants.


Elephant ear plants die during the winter months like other houseplants. If the leaves are turning brown and falling off, it means that plant is getting ready for its winter slumber. During dormancy, you should stop watering the plants and cut off all dead foliage. You can resume watering when you see new shoots appearing in spring.

Many new gardeners even stop watering before dormancy starts. The plant can die due to this mistake. If the plant doesn’t go dormant, you can reduce watering but not completely stop watering.

Common Pests and Problems

If you see the dark patterns or ring spots on leaves, then it is due to Dasheen Mosaic Virus. This virus can affect the growth of the plants. Aphids usually spread this virus. You can get rid of this virus by removing the affected plants and controlling aphids.

Some pathogens can be a cause of root rots. To prevent root rots, the soil should have excellent drainage. You can use a container that contains some holes in the bottom. Aphids and mealybugs are popular pests that can destroy the plants. If plants are heavily affected, you can remove affected leaves and branches to get rid of the pests. You can also use insecticidal soap to remove the pests.

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