
How to grow bananas


Growing bananas is not difficult but you must know few techniques. I will explain you how to grow bananas in your garden. Although it is fruit used for raw eating and juice but many people use it for cooking. Growing bananas is a unique process because it does not have seeds for plantation.

how to grow bananas

Banana is an edible fruit grown by herb plants. It has different varieties based on size and color. It has many benefits for to eat. Banana plant is also used for windbreaks and feeding etc. Now before guiding how to grow bananas, first we need to know the basic requirements of it.

Requirements for growing bananas

  • Bananas need average warm temperature. Cold and high warm temperature does not support the growing bananas. The perfect temperature is 28°C for high production.
  • Banana grow in rich soil. Mix the compost, mulch and manure with soil to make it rich. They can also be grown in average soil but ideal condition is high nutrient soil.
  • pH level of soil is about to be around 6 which is perfect.
  • Water is most important to grow bananas. Its large leaves contain a lot of water. Banana always need wet soil for roots. At average, 2 to 3 times a day water the plants.
  • Humidity is the plus point.

How to plant a banana tree

We need to talk to banana growing people to get the suckers. Suckers are the little baby plants grown by the mother. Mother produce many suckers which further spread and give fruit. Mother plant die after and suckers become the mothers. This process continue until we need production.

We will get these baby suckers form other farmers. These should be around 4 feet tall. Big suckers are good for early good production. You need a sharp knife to cut the bananas root from the mother.

Dig the spots of land and plant these baby plants in it. There should be enough space between one another to grow and give babies. Usually, 3 to 5 meters is enough space.

how to grow bananas

How to Grow Bananas

The best technique to grow bananas is in blocks. Each block should have large area. Rows are not well supported due to wind problems. Wind break the rows of plants and cause low production. Blocks shelter each other plants to be broken.

Banana plant consist of big leaves wrapped around. The new leaf or flower emerge from the bottom to top in middle of wrapped leaves. The outside layers of older leaves drops automatically. This process goes on for many seasons.

Banana tree show flowers from its top crown position. That big green flower which later become red, hang downwards. After few days flower will blow with baby bananas. They will automatically curl toward the sun light.

Now it will take around two months to become proper healthy fruit. Warm areas take less time to ripe the bananas. In fact, its depends on the temperature.

After telling you how to grow bananas, there are some most frequently asked questions for bananas given below.

Do bananas grow on trees?

Banana plant looks like a tree but actually its not a tree. Its a herb plant. Its stem is only wrapped with leaves. It has no wood to declare as tree but we mostly call it banana tree. Its shape and height confuse the people to call it banana tree.

How long does it take for a banana tree to bear fruit?

After banana plantation, it needs around 10 months to to bear fruits. And take 2 more months to ripe the fruit. A single flower can produce more than 100 bananas.

How do banana trees reproduce?

When fruit is harvested, you need to cut the plant from its half. Remove the de-suckers from the bottom. And at-least leave one sucker baby plant. After few months the mother will be dead. Sucker will replace the mother and grow bananas in next season.

Where are bananas grown?

Bananas are the tropical fruit. They like hot and humid conditions. India is the biggest banana producer country, which covers the tropical region.

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