
How to get rid of aphids

how to get rid of aphids

Aphids are tiny insects with rounded bodies. These are easy to check and remove. However, sometimes these can be frustrating to encounter. In this article, we will explain what are aphids? How do aphids look like so that you can identify them if you find any symptoms in your crop? We will also cover different methods for how to get rid of aphids on plants. You will learn the aphid control method so that you can overcome them as soon as possible before they spread all around the plant.

aphids on plants

What are aphids?

Aphid is a bug which acquires their foods by sucking sap from the plants. Sometimes they are referred to as greenfly or blackfly. Reproduction system of aphids is extremely fast. They are increased rapidly. Sometimes you can overcome really easy by utilizing different methods. However, lack of care of your plants leads to the extensive damage of the plant. So always be careful and keep your eyes on your plant for these insects and few symptoms. If you find any sign in your plant then take immediate action for getting rid of aphids otherwise get ready for massive destruction.

What do aphids look like?

Aphids are tiny and soft-bodied insects having round bodies. These have long antennae. Color can vary from species to species, and they can be white, yellow, green and black. Sometimes they can be gray and even pink sometimes.

There are different species of aphides both flying and species without wings. Even there is a species which can grow wings when the source of their food degraded then they fly onto the pastures. If you find any of the symptoms then they will be most probably aphids. Therefore, you should know how to get rid of aphids on plants.

how to get rid aphids

How to identify aphids on plants?

Aphid identification is extremely easy. There are many ways to identify these harmful insects. Let’s have a look at all these methods one by one.

Identifying the aphids by sight

You can identify very easily by just seeing them. We have described their appearance in the previous section in details. So if you find any such insect in your crop then most probably that would be aphids. Aphid control is extremely important on initial stages so take appropriate action to remove them.

Inspection of the underside of the leaves

For checking the presence of aphids, always check the underside of the leaves. They are small but they are visible to your sight. You can easily see them with your naked eyes. This is one of the most important evidence to have an aphid infestation on your hands.

Aphids can be found in any type of crop but they mostly like fresh and growing vegetable e.g cabbage and broccoli. So farmers must be careful from them because even a small population can really damage the crop.

Discolored or curled foliage

If your fresh growing plants appear to be failing and become inexplicable, then there are high chances of aphids there. Without aphids control, they secretly weaken or spread severe disease in healthy plants, causing them to look discolored. If you find such symptoms in your crop then you should check the edges of the leaves or veins for tiny bite marks. If you find a different spot there then its mean there exists aphids.

Be careful in warm summer months because aphids flourish in these months.

Look for honeydew on the leaves

The presence of honeydew on the leaves of the plants is another important symptom. Honeydew is a substance extracted by the aphids which are mostly deposited on the leaves or stem of the victim plant. If you find any mucus-like material or leaves are unusually slick then there are high chances that aphids exist there. Honeydew can be dark brown or black in color.

Galls on plants

Galls are the different sites of abnormal growth are swelling that pop up on the leaves of the plant. This occurs due to the feeding of aphids and laying of eggs there. At least once in a week, you should scan your entire garden from roots to top to look galls. These spots can be brownish or yellowish in color. If you find these symptoms then you should take useful action. Let’s have a look in details that how to get rid of aphids?

how to get rid aphids

How to get rid of aphids?

There are different ways to remove aphids on plants.

Pick the aphids by hands

Look at the crop carefully. If you find aphids in small number then pluck them off from the affected plant and crush them between your figures. If you find a little small colony then still you can use damp paper to dispatch them and crush them with a single squeeze. Before doing this, never forget to use gloves so that your own skin may not harm.

Spray the garden with a garden hose

Spray the infected leaves of the plant by utilizing garden hose. Directly steam toward the downside of the leaves because aphids mostly attack from the underside. Repeat this method 2 or 3 times a day until infestation ended.

Cut the affected plant

If you find large colonies of aphids on plants there then you should cut the plant to eliminate the large colonies. In this method, you have to pluck the leaves, stems, fruits and even sometimes entire branches. These all upper mentioned techniques will be used for small colonies or few infected plants.

A mixture of soap and water Solution

If your crop is massively damaged then you should utilize repellents and pesticides. For this purpose, you should mix the 2 to 3 spoons of soap into the hot water. Mix it well and pour it into the spray bottle and apply this solution to the affected plants. The soap will eventually dry out the insects without affecting the plants. This process can destroy advantageous insects as well. So always adopt this method when really necessary.

Lets learn some more methods about how to get rid of aphids on plants.

Use Essential Bled Oils

You can repeat a similar method just by using essential blend oil instead of soap. These oils include rosemary, clove, peppermint or orange oil. These oils are naturally repulsive for aphids. This is a very safe method to remove the aphids.

Use of Commercial Insecticides

If none of the upper mentioned technique work, then you should use commercial insecticides as a last option. It will be helpful for large scale invasion.

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