
How to Get Rid of Groundhogs

How to Get Rid of Groundhogs

Groundhogs are mammals that belong to a group of animals called marmots. These herbivores are basically giant ground squirrels with 2 feet in length and almost 10 pounds in weight.

Sometimes, a groundhog is also known as a woodchuck, whistle pig, or land beaver. They look like a cute little creature but very destructive to the plants. This article guides you about how to get rid of groundhogs in detail…

How to Get rid of Groundhogs?

There are many ways to get groundhogs out of your garden or yard. Some methods are more intensive than others and some may require a little more legwork. All methods are effective if you use them properly. Let’s discuss some of them one by one…


There are no commercial repellents available to get rid of groundhogs in the market. However, some natural repellents really work to control them. Many gardeners confirm that the below-mentioned methods work.

For example, if you place a rag soaked with ammonia near the entrance, it can keep them away from your garden. You can also use other strong scents that groundhogs don’t like such as garlic and talcum powder.

Trap and Release

Set the trap close to the burrow entrance. But make sure not to block the entrance. You can use a slice of cantaloupe or other fresh fruit as bait. Fresh bait works the best so you should replace that daily.

How to get rid of groundhogs by using a trap? Well, you can use different types of traps like body-gripping, foothold, and cage-type traps. But before using any trap, check rules and regulations on groundhog traps of your state.

Cage-type traps work best so they are recommended. Some states don’t allow body-gripping traps. After trapping the animals, you should try to release them away from the cities and other populated areas. If you are releasing them on private property, it’s good to get the owner’s permission.

Target Their Home

The most effective method to get them to leave is by making their home inhabitable with flooding and fumigation. Groundhogs don’t like wet den as like other animals. So flooding will get them out of their den and they will be looking for drier land for digging the den.

Similarly, gas cartridges release carbon monoxide in lethal amounts in the burrows of groundhogs. It will make it difficult for them to live comfortably.

Scare Tactics

You can use different scaring tactics to get rid of groundhogs. Some scaring tactics don’t work well such as scarecrows and rotating pinwheels. These methods only work temporarily but don’t work long-term to frighten groundhogs.

Instead of using the old tactics, you can use ultrasonic noise and vibrations that can scare groundhogs and other digging pests. For example, solar stakes generate vibration using ultrasonic pulses. As a result, groundhogs and other nuisance pests seek a safer place elsewhere.

Use Fences to Cease their Movement

If your garden or yard is already under attack, this method might not be effective. An in-ground fence is a good option to cease groundhogs movement. You should use a fence at least 3 feet high and buried about 12 inches underground. Although it is a time-consuming and difficult method, you can save your vegetables and flower garden from their attack with this method.

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