
How to grow lettuce

Botanical Name Lactuca sativa
Plant TypeVegetable
Family Daisy
Time to PlantSpring (2 weeks before frost)
Soil TypeFertile
Soil ConditionWell-drained
Soil PH6.0 to 6.5
Sun ExposureSunny (Few hours)
Temperature55 to 65 F
Water SupplyEvery four to five days
Organic MatterCompost & aged manure
Fertilizers Prefer organic matter
Used InSalads

Lettuce is a cool seasoned annual vegetable, superior in taste belongs to the Daisy family. In this detailed guide, we will cover every possible aspect of growing lettuce. After reading this guide you will be able to grow your own lettuce crop. You will learn all essential conditions and fundamental requirements for planting lettuce so that you can attain qualitatively and quantitate yield of your crop.

Which is the best time for growing lettuce? You will learn complete step by step method of how to plant lettuce? After plantation, how to grow and care your crop so that you can obtain the healthiest yield. Finally, we will cover the complete method of when and how to grow lettuce. When should you start harvesting lettuce?

how to grow lettuce

Whether you are a beginner or an expert gardener, you must include this vegetable into your grocery list. It is extremely easy to grow this plant. Furthermore, lettuce plant has many proven benefits for the human body. This is a rich source of Vitamin A. This also protects neuronal cells and act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Furthermore, this control anxiety as well. If you are unfamiliar about plantation of the lettuce. We will make this easy for you by giving you complete guidance. Let’s learn some benefits and warning to use lettuce.


  • Rich source of vitamins A and K
  • Keep your immune system healthy
  • Protects neuronal cells
  • Act as an anti-inflammatory
  • Control anxiety
  • Bones and teeth strong
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Pregnancy care


  • Reduces blood pressure

Conditions for growing lettuce

Whenever you want to grow any crop, always try to meet the required condition which is necessary for the crop. If you miss the essential requirements for growing crop, you will not be able to achieve the desired taste and beautiful texture of the vegetable. So you should have primary knowledge for planting lettuce.

First of all, try to find a sunny place where this can have sunlight for a few hours. You should prepare the soil very well. Soil should be well-drained and fertile. You should grow this on the raised bed if possible because this vegetable grows very well on the raised bed. Mix different organic compounds to increase the fertility of the soil. The organic compound can consist of well-rotted compost and aged manure.

You should grow your crop when the temperature of the soil should raise up to at least 40 F. The best temperature for germination is 55 to 65 F. In this temperature, lettuce plant grows extremely quickly. Let’s have a look which is the suitable time for growing lettuce.

When to plant lettuce?

It is a cool seasoned leafy vegetable. You can grow this in both spring and summer. Although you can grow this during complete fall you should go for spring for growing lettuce because this grows really well in spring. You should grow the crop in spring two weeks before the last frost. If you want to grow this vegetable in fall, you should start growing at least 8 weeks before the fall frost.

How to plant lettuce?

So far, you have learned all the necessary conditions for growing lettuce plant. You are familiarized with the essential conditions and the best time for planting lettuce. Now let’s move toward our core point of discussion which is how to plant lettuce?

  • Choose an appropriate place for planting lettuce. The site can have full sun for a few hours.
  • Prepare the soil so that soil should be well drained and loose. Add some organic compound to increase the fertility of the soil. The organic compound should consist of well-rotted compost and aged manure.  Try to avoid fresh manure because it can be the cause of different diseases.
  • If you want to attain your crop early, then you should sow the seeds indoors at least 4 to 6 weeks before the last spring frost.
  • We recommend sowing your crop into the prepared soil.
  • Sow the seeds when the temperature of the soil should reach to 40 F.
  • Temperature for best germination is 55 to 65 F otherwise germination process can be affected.
  • Lettuce plant takes almost 7 to 10 days for germination.
  • Sow the seeds at least half to one-fourth inch deep. The distance should be 8 inches between two plants. This distance can vary for different types. For example, if you are transplanting firm-headed types then plants should be 16 inches apart.
  • If you are transplanting then your seedlings should contain 4 to 6 mature leaves. At this stage, seedlings must have a well-developed root system.
  • Water the crop thoroughly after transplanting.
how to plant lettuce

How to grow lettuce with plant care?

Now you are familiarized with the plantation of lettuce and know how to plant lettuce? You are capable to grow your own crop of lettuce like an expert gardener. Do you think is it enough to know about just plantation? The answer is no. Your job after planting the crop has not ended yet. If you want to obtain the best quality and maximum possible yield then you should care about your crop until harvesting. You will have to take the following step to care for your crop.

  • Keep your soil moist and well-drained.
  • Add mulch to maintain moist in your crop.
  • Lettuce doesn’t grow well with weeds. So weed your crop regularly.
  • Try to avoid your crop from waterlogging.
  • Try to grow garlic or chives between the lettuce plants to avoid aphids because these are barrier plants for the lettuce.
  • Most common diseases for lettuce are Aphids, Earwigs and Rabbits. Furthermore, Woodchucks, White Mold and Cutworms are few other major pests and diseases for lettuce.

When and how to harvest lettuce?

You can start harvesting lettuce when they reach their full size. But always try to harvest these before they reach their mature size otherwise they will be tough and bitter in their taste. The leaves of lettuce taste best in younger size. You should start cutting outer leaves before maturity and leave the inner leaves so that they can keep growing. You should harvest the lettuce in the morning time. When the plant gain full size, cut the plant just an inch above the soil. You can store lettuce in the refrigerator for 10 days.

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