
Plant, Grow, Care and Harvest

Hello! Welcome to the Gardening Fan! Its the gardener’s platform where you can learn all about plants. We have articles that cover all different aspects of gardening, from indoor plants to outdoor vegetable gardens.

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Rice is one of the three most leading growing crops alongside maize and wheat in the world. These three crops

Nowadays, greenhouse garden planting has become a hobby for different people in the world. In this article, we will explain

Lavender is herb mostly found in the Mediterranean region and belongs to the Lamiaceae family- a flowering plant in the

If you want to grow the healthiest plant with maximum yield then you will have to use the organic fertilizers.

Aphids are tiny insects with rounded bodies. These are easy to check and remove. However, sometimes these can be frustrating

Gardening is a relaxing and beautiful way to get in touch with nature. It is the best exercise for both

Botanical Name Lactuca sativa Plant Type Vegetable Family Daisy Time to Plant Spring (2 weeks before frost) Soil Type Fertile

Botanical Name Brassica oleracea var. capitata Plant Type Vegetable Family Brassica Time to Plant Seeds 6-8 weeks before frost of

Botanical Name Solanum melongena Plant Type Vegetable Family Solanaceae Time to Plant Until soil become warm after frost Time to