
Wandering jew plant

Pruning wandering jew

You can prune a wandering jew plant anytime. Pinch or trim off new growth, thin and weak stems and dead leaves. If you prefer to keep the plant compact and relatively short, also remove long tendrils that hang down over the edges of the container. When you pinch or trim a stem, a branch just below the pinched spot produces a new stem for more growth. Within about two weeks after pruning, new leaves will appear on that spot.

Wandering jew indoor care

Wandering Jews are considered one of the easiest houseplants to care for, but they are picky about watering. The tip to follow is to keep the soil moist, but not wet. Check the soil in your pot every few days by placing your finger into the top few inches of soil; if it feels dry, water your plant until you notice a small amount of moisture draining out from the bottom of the container. Keep in mind that although Wandering Jews enjoy humidity, direct misting may result in root rot or other types of damage, so use indirect methods (such as using a humidifier or placing the pot on a pebble tray) if necessary

How long do wandering jew plants live

Keep your Tradescantia from becoming leggy and spindly by cutting back on feeding and watering. These plants are known to have a two to three year lifespan, but with the right care and maintenance, it can live longer.

Wandering jew plant outdoors

Wandering Jew plants are natural air purifiers, and can withstand many different kinds of environments, making it an ideal choice for first-time plant lovers. Brilliant purple and green leaves come alive in a bright, but partially-shaded environment. Place your Wandering Jew plant outdoors on a porch or patio where it has ample space to breathe bright, indirect sunlight.

Wandering jew plant benefits

These plants are used as a decorative purpose because of its gorgeous looking purple leaves. They are commonly grown as indoor plants. But there are some benefits you can get from this plant beside its beauty. Originally, Wandering Jew plant was used in treating many diseases like gastrointestinal problems, mucosal infections, wounds, venereal diseases and even cancer because of its 2 natural properties.

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