
ZZ Plant Care

zz plant care

The Zamioculcas zamiifolia is a tropical perennial plant native to Eastern Africa which is commonly known as the ZZ plant. It is quite popular worldwide because it can tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions. The ZZ plant has shiny, one to three inches long emerald green leaves.

The entire plant has a shiny coating that makes it look like those made of plastic. Due to its waxy coating, many people consider it an artificial plant. ZZ plants can survive even if you neglect them for several months. Because it requires so little care that makes it one of the best choices for office buildings and malls.

ZZ Plant Care | How to Care for the ZZ Plant?

The ZZ plant is very tough so it is an ideal choice for forgetful plant owners. It can survive without water and light for several months. Below are some useful instructions to care for a ZZ plant:

Bright Indirect Light

ZZ plants thrive best in bright indirect light and they can also survive in extremely low light areas. However, don’ place your plants in direct sunlight. Because too intense light can be a cause of brown spots on the leaves.

Curling leaves are another indicator of too much light. Windowless offices or bathrooms are ideal places for ZZ plants where they will only get a small amount of light. Therefore, growing it indoors keep it happy and healthy.

Soil Preparation

Soil is the most important factor for ZZ plant care. Potting mix soil works the best. You can add perlite into the soil according to your need. The soil must have proper drainage because plants don’t like soggy soil at all. When choosing a pot, make sure that the pot has good drainage holes at the bottom. These holes are very essential for good drainage.


Like other houseplants, ZZ plants also need less amount of water for the best growth. Frequent watering can be destructive for the plants. So always water your plants when the soil is dry. You need to water them once or twice a week depending on the indoor climate.

Overwatering will kill this low maintenance plant and can be a cause of root rotting. When its leaves turn yellow, it is an indicator of overwatering.

Fertilize the Plants

The ZZ plants are very happy without fertilizer so they can thrive without fertilizing. If your plant is not growing well, you can use fertilizer to boost growth. Fertilizing once or twice a year is more than enough for ZZ plants.

Try to fertilize the plants during growing seasons from April to August. Always choose an all-purpose balanced liquid fertilizer. Before using the fertilizer, reduce its strength up to half at least.


Average house humidity is good for the best ZZ plant care. You should increase humidity if the artificial heating of the growing environment is quite dry. For this purpose, you can use a humidifier to increase humidity.


If you are intending to propagate the ZZ plants, cut the leaves or rhizomes carefully with a sharp knife. Then place the leaves in a pot and cover them with a plastic cover. Wait until roots begin growing. Growing new roots can take up to 1 year. Careful propagation is very helpful in getting healthy plants.


Pruning not only gives the plants a fresh look but also keep them healthy as well. You should remove all leaflets that are turning yellow. If you find any of the branch odd-looking, you can cut that off. Similarly, if the stem has grown much longer than other stems, you can remove that. Removing all dead and unnecessary leaves and stem give an engrossing look to the plant.

Different Potential Problems For ZZ Plants

The ZZ plants can bear a certain amount of neglect. However, the only mistake that can ruin the plants is overwatering. Here are some important symptoms of overwatering the plants:

Lower Leaves Turning Yellow

Falling a small amount of lower leaves is quite normal in all plants. However, if a good amount of leaves turning yellow and falling, it means that you are not watering your plants properly. So frequent watering is the solution to the problem. But, let the soil dry before watering the second time.

Leaves Turning brown

If leaves are turning brown, it is an indicator of frequent watering. look at the leaflets of the plant. If you find a leaflet a bit damp and not dry, overwatering is the most common problem in this case. So don’t overwater the plants is a solution here.

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