
How to grow basil from seed

Botanical Name Ocimum basilicum
Plant TypeHerb
Family Lamiaceae
Time to PlantAfter frost
Soil Type
PH Level6 to 7.5
Sun ExposureFull sun
TemperatureWarm weather
Water SupplyTwice daily
Organic MatterRecommended
Fertilizers Prefer Organic Matter
Used In
Popular Property Antioxidants

Basil is warm weather, the tastiest and fast-growing herb which belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is one of the most popular among gardeners. In this guide, you will learn the most important fact and complete procedure for growing basil from seeds. You will learn all essential requirements and condition for planting basil for ideal growth. Most important effects of basil on our health. When and how to plant basil for healthy, fresh and tasty production? How to grow basil from seeds? When to prune basil for the first time? How to protect your crop for best and healthy yield? When and how to harvest basil? Furthermore, we will express a few scientifically proven benefits of basil.

grow basil from seed

Benefits of basil

Basil contain really powerful antioxidants. Different studies show that basil plant is really beneficial against cancer. It contains antibacterial properties. Basil are also considered adaptogen.

Do you know how to plant basil? If you have an interest, then nothing is difficult. We will describe in details every possible step to assist you. You will learn almost all aspect about basil. Before we move towards how to plant basil, let’s start knowing from the types of basil.

Types of basil

There are different types of basil having their own charm and taste. It is itself fun to choose basil that suit you most. Let’s have a look at the few most famous varieties of basils:

Purple basil is a famous type of basil mostly grown for decoration purpose and sent as well. Lemon basil smells similar to lemon because it contains citral (citrus fruit contains this aromatic compound). Cinnamon basil grows very beautiful fragrant flowers and has a really sweet smell like the spice. Perennial basil is a famous type which you will have to grow it year after year. Greek and globe basils have a striking resemblance with pretty like bushes but these are difficult to grow.

Conditions for planting basil

Either you are a gardener or not, but you all know that for the best growth of any crop you must need to choose the best time. If you miss the supreme time then you can’t achieve your goal to produce the best quality. You may achieve your targeted quantity but you can’t achieve your desired quality even though you care about your crop too much.  So try to choose fitting time span when you want to grow basil.

Basil requires warm weather and fragrant herb. It doesn’t tolerate cold. Full sun is necessary for the best production of basil. So try to manage the place where basil can have at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight.

To attain maximum possible yield with excellent quality, your soil should be well-prepared and well-drained. Moreover, if you want to boost your production, take organic material like well-rotted compost and manure and mix completely with soil well. Make sure that the pH of the soil should be in between 6 to 7.5.


  • Powerful antioxidants
  • Beneficial against cancer
  • Antibacterial properties
  • Adaptogen


  • Can cause low blood sugar

When to grow basil?

Basil is not considered as frost hardy. So you might thinking: when to plant basil? Try to plant the seeds or transplant basil when all hazard of the frost has passed and the temperature of the soil reaches till 50 F. Different regions have different climate so when to grow basil seed definitely vary from place to place. You can choose the exact time of planting basil by keenly observing the conditions for growing basil.

Growing basil from seed

So far, you have learned all premier conditions for the best growth. Growing basil from seeds is much easy step to follow. Let’s learn how to grow basil from seeds?

  • First and foremost, try to choose the best suitable basil type you want to grow.
  • Try to choose a site where it may acquire 6 to 8 hours of sunlight. So germinate basil seeds in a warm climate.
  • Prepare the soil as we have described in the condition for growing basils.
  • At least 4 to 6 weeks before last frost start, germinate basil seeds indoors for best germination instead to take the risk that they will get spoiled by the frost.
  • If you have a warm climate, try to sow them outdoors.
  • Sow the seed ¼ inches deep for best germination and cover it slightly with the soil.
  • After planting basil seeds, make sure seeds remain warm for best growth.
  • When you see the sprouts coming out from the soil, keep watering even twice daily.
  • When sprouts become few inches tall then transplant them outdoors.
growing basil from seed

How to grow basil?

In previous sections, we have learned all elementary steps for growing basil including types to choose, conditions for growing basil and planting basil indoors to get sprouts. Here let’s learn how to grow basil?

  • Prepare your soil as per the above-mentioned condition.
  • Choose a suitable time for planting basil sprouts outdoors.
  • Transplant the sprout half to a ¼ inch deep and at least 10 to 12 inches apart because it gains 12 to 24 inches height.
  • For extra-large varieties, further, keep them apart (16 to 24 inches).
  • Make sure that soil is moisturized.
  • Add mulch into the soil in hot climates.
  • Water the plants consistently.

When to prune basil for the first time

You should prune the basil when you see first 6 or 8 leaves. By doing so, the plant grows more branches so more leaving can be harvested. Whenever any branches leave 6 to 8 leaves, prune the branch by leaving the first set of leaves. If the rapid forest is imminent then be sure to harvest your crop otherwise your crop will be destroyed.

Basil plant care

Your effort after growing basil is not ended yet. If you want to accomplish maximum production, you must take care of your crop. You make sure the following things:

  • Soil should be a dump, but not soggy.
  • Approximately, after 6 weeks, basil grows flowers so pinch them off for best production.
  • Weed them regularly.
  • Keep checking for pests, if any plant you find effected, cut that immediately.
basil plant care

When and how to harvest basil

Harvesting basil is the final step you were waiting for. You can start harvesting basil when basil plant become 6 to 8 inches tall. When temperature increases and reaches till 80 F, basil really grows leaves. It’s the best time to harvest during morning time. Pluck out all mature leaves for best production.

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