
How to Propagate ZZ Plant

Propagate ZZ Plant

ZZ plant is quite popular in the houseplant world. The cylindrical, upright branches are known for their spiky, sword-like leaves. ZZ plant grows naturally in woodlands or on riverbanks in its native China, but also well as indoor plants. Propagating the ZZ plant at home can be fun for both adults and kids. It does not require much tending, and especially during the growing period, you will discover the quick success that can easily make you want to propagate more ZZ plants.

How to propagate a ZZ plant | Three Simple Ways to Propagate ZZ Plant!

Plants are complicated, and the best way to propagate them is by seeds, but seeds are expensive. Other ways are cheaper, but plants die from them.

Propagation Through Seeds of ZZ plant:

Growing ZZ plant from seeds is very easy. It can be started from August to November and the plant can be harvested in April/May.

  • First, prepare the soil for the plant. Remove all weeds, stones, pebbles, etc. from the soil. The soil needs to be organically rich
  • To plant the seeds, fill a tray with soil and sprinkle the seeds over it. Place a plastic sheet over the tray. Water the soil well and place the tray in a dark place. Water the plant regularly
  • When the soil is moist, remove the plastic sheet
  • The plantlets will start to grow in a week’s time
  • Once the plantlet is 6-8 inches in length, pinch off the tip
  • The plantlets can be cut at 15-20 cm in length and planted in separate pots
  • The plantlets grow rapidly and in about six months, you will be able to harvest the plant
  • The seeds can be sown again

Through Leaves:

When the ZZ plant blooms, cut the leaves off at ground level. If left on the ZZ plant, the leaves will block the sunlight that the plant needs.

Put these cut flowers in a jar that is half full of water. The leaves will root in six to eight weeks. When roots form, plant the ZZ plant in a spot that receives at least six hours of sun each day. Spread a 3-inch layer of 3/4-inch gravel around the ZZ plant and fertilize it every couple of weeks. Once established, ZZ plants require little water and fertilizer.

Propagation of ZZ plant through stem cutting

To propagate a ZZ plant, cut off a stem up to about 6 inches (15 cm) long. The ZZ plant is propagated by stem cuttings; this is the easiest way to get new plants. However, plant propagation through stem cuttings requires warm weather.

  • Cut about 3 inches off the bottom of the stem. Trim off any woody growth or thorns.
  • Dip one end of the stem into the connective hormone powder.
  • Place the cut end of the stem in a rooting compound or hormone powder or powder and water.
  • Place the cut stem in a moist, warm area.
  • Water the cut stems regularly.
  • After several months, cut or pinch the stem to remove some of the growing tips to encourage branching.
  • Place the plant in a well-lit area, out of direct sunlight.
  • After several months, plant the rooted stem in moist potting soil.

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