
How to grow cilantro

growing cilantro in soil

Cilantro -also referred to as coriander- is a very versatile and delicious herb belongs to the Apiaceae family. Here in this informative article, we will try to cover every possible aspect which is really important to know for every beginner gardener. Possibly, we will cover the following aspects for growing cilantro to obtain maximum production. What are the most basic requirements and best suitable conditions for planting cilantro? For growing cilantro, what time you should choose? Which is better among growing cilantro from seed or transplantation of cilantro? When and how to plant cilantro precisely for maximum and ideal production? How to grow cilantro and what are the different methods for protecting cilantro? In the end, we will also elaborate complete procedure of when and how to harvest cilantro?

Cilantro plant is incredible beneficiary for health. It contains a rich source of Vitamin A and C. Recent studies also show innumerable benefits of cilantro plant for the human body. There is a really interesting point regarding cilantro. You can acquire two taste from this herb with the price of one. Actually, green leaves of cilantro plant and cilantro seeds both are eaten. Both have different tastes. Mostly, eating green leaves are referred to as coriander and when eating cilantro seeds which have an entirely different flavor and the taste is referred to as cilantro in the United States.

You should grow cilantro plant so that you can acquire two taste just in a single plant. Do you want to grow cilantro in your own garden? If you are a beginner and thinking about how to grow cilantro? It’s not a big deal. We will make you understand how to plant cilantro by your own for fresh and healthiest cilantro seeds and leaves. Before we move toward how to grow cilantro, let’s learn basic and essential conditions for growing cilantro.

Cilantro growing conditions

In most of the cases, when a beginner starts growing any crop then they don’t have up to mark experience so that they don’t achieve their desired results and give up. Definitely, you gain experience with the passage of time. However, at least you should have enough knowledge about appropriate conditions and procedure of how to grow cilantro and plants care so that you may have better results. So if you are a beginner then don’t miss the chance for planting cilantro on time.

First of all, you should be choosy about a site where you want to sow cilantro seeds. Cilantro plant can be planted in both sunny and partial sunny spot. If your climate is too much hot then you should choose partial sunny place otherwise sunny spot is appropriate.

Cilantro plant really loves loamy and well-drained soil. It doesn’t require much fertilizer. Still, you can intensely increase your production by adding different organic matters. If you mix aged-manure and well-rotted compost with the soil, then you will obtain maximum production having the best texture. Be careful while preparing your soil, the soil should neither be dried nor be water-logged.

Water is a frequent need of cilantro plant. However, try to avoid overwatering. In most cases, fertilizers are not mandatory, however, you should add some balanced fertilizers if your crop is not doing well.

When to plant cilantro?

As we have mentioned above, cilantro is a warm-weather crop. You should protect this from frost. Its planting time differs from region to region. Before the start of the last frost in spring about 2 to 3 weeks, when the climate becomes slightly warmer then sow the cilantro seeds indoors. Don’t be so quick to transplant it. Its transplantation is not that difficult. You should transplant it when the hazard of frost completely passed away. When summer is ended, the weather becomes moderate so it’s the best time for planting cilantro.

Growing cilantro from seeds

Cilantro can be grown from directly seeding and transplanting as well. You should try to grow it by directly seeding because it grows well and develops a taproot which doesn’t like much transplanting. So you should go with the seeding option.

How to plant cilantro?

You have learned, all fundamental and vital requirements for planting cilantro. It is extremely easy to prepare your soil for growing cilantro. Now, you are in a position to plant cilantro. Let’s move towards the core of our discussion which is how to plant cilantro?

  • First, choose an appropriate place for planting cilantro by keeping in mind that a suitable temperature for growing cilantro is 70 degrees F.
  • Now prepare your soil, add compost and manure for ideal growth.
  • Sow the cilantro seeds before the end of last frost of spring about 2 to 3 weeks.
  • For quick germination try to soak the seed overnight.
  • Sow the seeds 4 to 6 inches apart and a half to one inch deep for best germination.
  • You can transplant it when the risk of frost completely abolished.
  • Fertilizers are not necessary for planting cilantro, however, if crop is not doing well then you can add balanced fertilizers.
  • Water it frequently.
how to plant cilantro

By cilantro plant care how to grow cilantro?

You have learned step by step procedure of planting cilantro. In this section, we will give you a few instructions about growing cilantro. After learning these, you will be capable to care your crop. Let’s learn how to grow cilantro?

Normally it takes 7 to 10 days for germination. However, being a family member of Apiaceae, it can take up to 2 to 3 weeks for germination. So don’t be afraid. It’s quite normal for this family. Just keep watering and try to avoid overwatering. Well-drained soil decreases the risk of disease. Leafhoppers and fungal wilt are real problems for this crop. Be careful about them.

When and how to harvest cilantro?

Harvesting cilantro is a final step. When it becomes 6 inches taller you can start harvesting cilantro. It takes almost 70 days for its mature growth. When it grows stalk, cut off the plant for the self-seeding after when seeds drop. You can cut the large leaves individually from the plant. If it contains only small leaves, cut them off almost 2 inches above the crown.

The complete guide: When and How to Harvest Cilantro

You can harvest the entire plant if you don’t want to continue harvesting cilantro in the rest of the growing seasons.  But you can store the harvest for later use.

Store the fresh cilantro: How to Store Cilantro

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