
How to grow tomatoes


Tomato –a flowering plant having innumerable usage in different dishes, ketchup preparation and utilized as a salad- belongs to nightshades family. In this article, we will elaborate why you should utilize and cultivate your own tomatoes? We are going to express each and every possible step for growing productive crop of tomatoes. We will cover following aspects for growing potatoes: which are the most pivotal requirements for planting tomatoes with best quality? How to grow tomatoes plant? How to care your plant? We will take a glimpse of different benefits of planting tomatoes. Finally, you will learn complete procedure from growing to ripening and from harvesting to store in this article.

grow tomatoes

Most of the people who are utilizing this vegetable, only use these just because of delicious flavors. Some such people exist here who even grow these beneficial plants in their gardens but are totally blank about the medical importance of tomatoes on our health. Nature has packed these with incalculable benefits which we are briefly describing.

Benefits of tomato plant

If we take a deep look on different causes of death, we will come to know that it is a heart diseases like strokes and heart attack. One of the most important reason for heart attack is blood clotting. Fortunately, tomatoes protect and decrease the risk of blood clotting and prevent from these heart disease. Another crucial disease is cancer (uncontrollable growth rate of the body cells), growing dramatically nowadays. Study shows that tomatoes act as a shield against lung, prostate and stomach cancer.

Despite of the fact that tomato plants have various usage but after having all these advantages make tomato plant just the icing on the cake. Now, do you want to grow your own tomato plant? Whether you like tomatoes or not, either you are gardener or not you should grow tomatoes by your own. If your experience with tomatoes was not well then you should try fresh. To acquire fresh one, which can be the better option then growing these by your own? Don’t hesitate to have good experience with tomato. Grow yourself. We will try our best to answer this question: how to grow tomatoes? So after this you will be capable for planting tomatoes.

Conditions for growing tomatoes

To obtain best yield of tomatoes plant, you should learn all best suitable conditions for planting tomatoes. If you are successfully succeeded in finding optimum conditions which meet the required condition being described here, you will have ideal production with precise taste. To learn, before planting tomatoes is mandatory step.

You should choose a place for growing tomatoes plants having full sun. You should try to find a site where these can have 6 hours of sun light in northern region. For southern region, to prevent these from too hot climate, use preventing shades for better growth of tomatoes.

To grow tomatoes on a well-drained soil is best for best production. You must add some compost or well-rotted manure to achieve maximum production. You should water the tomatoes plants well which will prevent the roots from shocks. If you are thinking to transplant, then 2 or 3 weeks before planting tomatoes, dig the soil at least 1 foot deep (for best root growth) and add aged compost into it for best production.

To avoid from sprawling, support system is recommended. However, if you have enough space and weather is supportive then you can have still better growth.

When to plant tomatoes

Choosing best time for growing tomatoes give you best output. You should sow the seed indoor at least 6 to 8 weeks before transplanting them outdoor before the last frost spring. When soil and climate both become a little bit warm, transplant the tomatoes plant.

How to grow tomatoes

Till now you have learnt various health related benefits and several usage of this advantageous plant. You are familiar all the basic condition and best time for growing tomatoes plant. Now let’s come to the central point of our discussion that is how to grow tomatoes?

  • Use tent greenhouse for better care and high production.
  • Use the best seeds for best production. If seed is healthy and qualitative then doubtlessly your yield will be remarkable.
  • Prepare your soil and choose the site according to the requirements for best growth as we have described in the requirement section.
  • After sowing seed indoor for 2 to 3 weeks, take the seedlings and grow them outdoors in a shade for few hours to protect them from direct sun light.
  • Gradually increase the amount of time for sun light so that they can have direct sun light for few hours.
  • Transplantation should be 2 feet apart.
  • Use stakes or cages in the soil which will keep the plant straight. Growing tomato is such way give you maximum production.
  • During transplantation, cut the lower branches and bury the plant up to two third. Tomato stems have capability to develop roots from its buried part.
  • Water your plant.
how to grow tomatoes

Tomato plant care

You have learnt that how to plant tomatoes. After planting tomatoes, it’s one of the most important step to care your plants. Water these properly. Insects pests love tomatoes specially hornworms. Any plant that is affected by this insect, destroy that. Use proper spray to destroy these insects.

When to pick tomatoes

The perfect time for picking or harvesting tomatoes come when you see red colored tomatoes on the plant. Don’t care about the size of the tomato. It can be yellowish at the stem side. If you are growing tomato having other colors then wait for that. When color of the tomatoes best match to their original variety, pick those. Never pick the tomatoes from the vine until ripening. If tomatoes fall before ripening then pick them up and put them into the bag and place them into the dark cool place. Never ever try to ripen the tomatoes in the sun light. It will rot instead of ripening.

when to pick tomatoes

Harvesting tomatoes

Whenever you see tomatoes fulfilling all the requirements of ripening then pick a sharp knife or a pair of scissors and pick those tomatoes. Don’t refrigerate these fresh tomatoes. It will ruin the taste and even destroy the texture of tomatoes.

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