There are several reasons why a hydrangea not blooming. If you are growing hydrangeas or have hydrangeas in your landscape, you are probably taking great care of them. You are probably giving them the right amount of water and fertilizer and pruning them regularly to keep them looking their best.
7 Reasons why hydrangea does not bloom
- Overwatering
- Not Enough Sunlight
- Wrong time of year to bloom
- Excessive shade
- Freeze damage
- Poor quality plant
- Not the right variety for your area

Hydrangeas are not like roses and tulips and other flower plants. They come in many different varieties and it’s important to choose the right one for the area you live in.
How do I know what variety of hydrangea to plant?
Hydrangeas are available in pink, white, burgundy, lavender, blue, red, orange, and yellow colors. They come in shrub or tree form. Most hydrangeas range from 3-7 feet tall.
The most common blooming period for hydrangea is June through August depending on your climate. Keep in mind that if you live in a warm climate zone the blooming season may be different than someone who lives in a cooler climate zone. For example, a hydrangea planted in Phoenix will bloom during March while a hydrangea planted in Minneapolis won’t bloom until early June.
If you have a hydrangea that produces no flowers, the issue could be related to either the plant or the soil.
Hydrangea flower is dependent on the type of hydrangea you are growing.
Although there are over 100 varieties of hydrangeas, they can generally be divided into two groups:
- Mophead
- Lacecap
Commonly referred to as “mopheads,” these types of hydrangea include Bigleaf, Oakleaf, Lacecap, and Littleleaf varieties. Hydrangeas in this group develop large flowerheads with individual flowers that look more like small petals than true blossoms. They bloom for about two weeks followed by a couple more weeks of leaf growth. The second group consists of “lacecaps,” which have smaller flower heads made up of many tiny blossoms.
What can I do to encourage my hydrangea to bloom?
When growing hydrangeas, the key to getting them to bloom is water. Without adequate water, the plant will not grow and you will get no flowers.
To encourage your hydrangea to bloom, you must keep the soil moist to a depth of 12 to 15 inches deep. The soil should be slightly acidic (pH 6.5 to 6.8). During periods of drought, add an inch of water per week until the situation is corrected.
Also, be sure that your hydrangea plant is getting enough sunlight. Most hydrangeas prefer full sun or partial shade. If the plant is not getting enough light, it will not grow and flower properly. If this happens, move the plant into a more suitable location where it can get sufficient sunlight.
If you are just starting out with growing hydrangeas, be sure that your soil is well-drained and contains plenty of organic matter. The best way to accomplish this is by adding aged compost or well-rotted manure to each hole that you dig for planting when planting in the fall or early spring. This enriched soil will help your hydrangea grow more quickly and flower more abundantly than plants grown in poor soil conditions.