
How to grow eggplant

Botanical Name Solanum melongena
Plant TypeVegetable
Family Solanaceae
Time to PlantUntil soil become warm after frost
Time to HarvestMid or late summer
Soil TypeSandy loam or loam soil
Soil ConditionWell-drained
Soil PH6.3 to 6.8
Sun ExposureSunny
Water Supply1 inch per week
Organic MatterCompost and manure
Fertilizers 2-3 pound/100 square feet
Used InCooking

The eggplant which is also known as aubergine is a warm-weather crop belongs to the Solanaceae family. Eggplant has a unique taste and a very beautiful texture. In this article, you will learn all the basic steps to grow eggplant. What are the primary requirements for growing eggplant to obtain the best quality yield? Which is a suitable time to grow this plant so that we can have tasteful eggplant? The complete procedure of how to plant eggplant which will cover entire details from preparation of soil to the harvesting of the crop. How to grow and care your plant to attain maximum production? This article will demonstrate the complete method of harvesting and storing the eggplant.

Various scientific studies show the benefits of eggplant for a human body. This is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. This also contains a high number of antioxidants (antioxidants protect the body from free radicals which have a harmful impact on our body). You should plant eggplant in your gardens because it looks beautiful in the garden and has a delicious taste. Eggplant has a really beautiful dark purple color skin. Color, size, and shape of eggplant can vary. Either you are a beginner or advanced gardener, you should try at least once. We will help you out in the plantation of the eggplant. Let’s have a look at the fundamental conditions for growing eggplant.

grow eggplant in container

Best conditions for growing eggplant

If you want to attain the best quality and maximum quantity of your crop then you should plant your crop in the best season and meet the same requirements which crops need. In addition to this, try to maintain the appropriate condition until harvesting the crop. If you succeeded to maintain these conditions you will have a matchless crop. So to learn about the suitable condition for growing eggplant is extremely important for you.

First and foremost, try to choose a sunny spot to grow eggplant. This is a warm weather crop and mostly harvested in the mid or late summer. Similar to tomatoes and peppers, this requires relatively warm climate. If you belong to the cooler region then at least try to choose a spot where this can have frequent sunlight.

Eggplant likes well-drained and warm soil. If you want to have a bit fast production of eggplants then try to plant these on the raised beds. It is an ideal place for growing eggplants because the soil becomes warm very quickly.

Growing Eggplant In Containers

If you don’t have enough place in your garden then grow eggplant in container because eggplant grows great in the containers as well. However, don’t forget to place the container outdoors in the sunny spot otherwise your growth will be affected. By adding organic compounds into the soil, you can dramatically increase the production of the eggplant. Add well-rotted compost and aged manure into the soil. It will dramatically increase your production. The pH of the soil should be from 6.3 to 6.8.

When to plant eggplant?

Eggplant requires a warm climate so wait until the soil becomes warm. If you want to plant the eggplant from seeds then sow the seeds indoors 2 months before the soil warms up. You can buy transplants exactly before the plantation of the eggplant. Never plant these into cooler climates because these are not frosted hardy. We recommend transplantation because these are extremely easy to transplant.

How to plant eggplant?

So far, you have learned the benefits of growing eggplant. For planting eggplants, it is extremely important to learn the essential conditions. Now you have familiarized with these all condition and capable to pick up a right time to transplant this crop. After learning and primary conditions, let’s move toward our main point of discussion which is how to plant eggplant?

  • Try to choose a sunny spot for growing it.
  • There are various types of eggplant. Graffiti is a famous type which is also known as Sicilian. It is a multipurpose and regular variety. Italian eggplant is quite similar to the regular eggplant. However, it is slightly smaller than regular. White eggplant is also a famous variety. It has pure white color and looks really beautiful while growing. Choose any type that you want to grow.
  • Buy the transplant of the eggplant from any nursery beside your garden.
  • Prepare your soil which should be well-drained, fertile and pH should be from 6.3 5o 6.8. Mix 1 inch organic material like compost and manure for best production.
  • You can use a small container or pot for indoor and easy gardening.
  • Add black plastic cover as a mulch to increase the warmness of the soil.  When soil becomes warm then transplant the plant.
  • Apply 2 to 3 pounds of fertilizer per 100 square feet.
  • Use dark colored pot if you want to grow eggplants in the pots. Place the container outdoors in full sun.
  • Transplant 3 to 4 inches tall seedlings. They should be 24 to 30 inches apart in the raised beds.
  • If you live in a cold climate, use row covers to keep the eggplants warm. Pollination is extremely important. So in warm days, remove the row covers so that pollination may take place.
  • Water the plants, 1 inch per week.
how to grow eggplant

How to grow eggplant and care of the plant?

After planting, your job is not completed yet. You must have to care for your plant until harvesting. You should know how to grow eggplant and how to care for your plant?

  • Make sure to use a cage or a stake to keep the plants upright.
  • Apply balanced fertilizer every two weeks.
  • It is better to restrict 5 to 6 eggplant if it grows in large size.
  • Weed the soil properly when required.
  • Flea beetles can harm the eggplant. If eggplant is healthy then it can withstand against these pests.

How and when to pick eggplant?

You can start harvesting eggplants after 16 to 24 weeks. You should pick when fruit skin is unwrinkled and shiny. You can judge the time of harvesting. Never pull the fruit during harvesting, it will damage the plant. You should use pruning shears or a sharp knife to cut the fruit close to the stem. You can store eggplant in the refrigerator for several days.

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