
Plant, Grow, Care and Harvest

Hello! Welcome to the Gardening Fan! Its the gardener’s platform where you can learn all about plants. We have articles that cover all different aspects of gardening, from indoor plants to outdoor vegetable gardens.

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Like humans, each plant likes a different environment to thrive. In a specific environment, some plants fail to thrive but

Possums are a beautiful Australian fauna that lives in many habitats. They look like a rat and have white fur

Every gardener should be familiar with common garden pests. Some bugs are very disastrous to the plants and others are

Coleus is an amazing plant that belongs to the mint family. It is popular because of its vibrant color leaves

Dieffenbachia is an incredible tropical houseplant which is commonly known as the “Dumb Cane”. These large and showy plants are

Hibiscus plants are durable plants that give exotic look to your garden. They are tropical beauties and they can grow

The Calathea plant is a very famous household plant used for office decoration purposes. This plant is commonly known as

Spider mites are very smaller insects which are really difficult to see with the naked eyes. Sometimes spider mites are

Cyclamens are gorgeous winter flowering plants that last for a long time. There are many engrossing varieties of cyclamen to