
Plant, Grow, Care and Harvest

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Botanical Name Phaseolus vulgaris Plant Type Vegetable Family Legume Time to Plant After frost Soil Type Sandy and silty loam

Ginger plant belongs to Zingiberaceae family which also includes cardamom, turmeric (Curcuma longa) and galangal. You will learn in details

Cucumber belongs to the cucurbitaceous family which also include gourds, winter squash, summer squash and watermelon. You will learn in

Broccoli –belongs to cruciferous vegetable which includes cabbage, cauliflower and collard greens- has a lot of benefits. You will find

Spinach -a leafy green vegetable- has a lot of benefits. It belongs to beet family. We will describe in details

Botanical Name Allium sativum Plant Type Vegetable Family Allium Time to Plant Early winter (Depends on Area) Soil Type Sandy

Botanical Name Solanum tuberosum Plant Type Vegetable Family Convolvulaceae Time to Plant Month after last frost Soil Type Clay loams

Botanical Name Daucus carota subsp. sativus Plant Type Vegetable Family Apiaceae Time to Plant Spring (2 Weeks after last frost)

Botanical Name Citrullus lanatus Plant Type Vegetable Family Cucubitaceae Time to Plant Until frost passed Soil Type Loamy Soil Condition