
Plant, Grow, Care and Harvest

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Botanical Name Cynara scolymus Plant Type Vegetable Family Daisy Time to Plant Late summer Soil Type Sandy or loam is

Cilantro -also referred to as coriander- is a very versatile and delicious herb belongs to the Apiaceae family. Here in

Saffron is the most expensive spice having a purple flower which belongs to the Iridaceae family. It is mostly grown

Botanical Name Petroselinum crispum Plant Type Herb Family Apiaceae Time to Plant Early spring Soil Type Loamy and well-drained soil

Botanical Name Mentha Plant Type Herb Family Lamiaceae Time to Plant Spring or fall (Frost free) Soil Type Rich Soil

Botanical Name Ocimum basilicum Plant Type Herb Family Lamiaceae Time to Plant After frost Soil Type PH Level 6 to

Botanical Name Capsicum annuum Plant Type Vegetable Family Nightshade Time to Plant February Soil Type Sandy plus loamy Soil Condition

Botanical Name Allium cepa Plant Type Vegetable Family Amaryllis Time to Plant Early in the spring Soil Type Loose, light

Celery plant -a long-season vegetable usually grown in both fall and spring as well- belongs to parsley family. In this